Song Competition

The Council is pleased to inform all Members that the Senior Citizens Council will organized a Song Competition in Hindustani (Bollywood Style), French and English on a national basis. Songs should be non-religious.

Details are given hereunder:

SCC Song Competition

    — Criteria (for Hindustani (Bollywood), French and English
  • Participant should be above 55 years of age (male or female) and a Member of a Senior Citizen Association.
  • Be a Non-professional singer and be an unrecorded artist.
  • Songs should be from the years 1960s and 1970s only failing which the participant will not be selected.
  • The details of the song should be mentioned i.e. the title of the song, the name of the original singer and the film (Hindustani) in which it has been played.
  • Respect of Time frame of the song: not exceeding 5-6 minutes.

Members of Senior Citizens Associations willing to participate in the Song Competition are invited to fill in the attached Song Application Form (Annex I) and return it to the Council by Friday 09 August 2019 [Completed September 2019].